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ParticipACT Brasil​


The project "Innovative technologies of participatory management of the smart city" aims to design, to develop and to promote a technical social management system in order to form, gradually and progressively, a big data for the city of Florianópolis (Santa Catarina). For more information, please visit our project website at  











Past Projects


Organizational and safety aspects of virtual communities information on e-health systems 


The ubiquitous or pervasive computation has the goal to make the integration of man and computer in a  transparent and natural way. This tecnology allows us to perform a several tests using wearable sensors, connected to wireless networks, and monitoring a big amount of people behavioral and physiological variables. This potentialyzes  application and development of e-health (telemedicine) systems. Some challenges to use this system included the organization and management of virtual communities and also the privacy and disclosure of user information.  A cooperation between LabGES-UDESC and the DISI-UNIBO (Bologna-Italy) will allow the development to create a close relations regarding scientific research and technological development in the following themes: organizational aspects and information security of virtual communities on e-health systems.













Arrangements that promote Innovation on Nanotechnology in Florianópolis: model of governance and management


The present research aims to identify the potential to create an Inovative Clusters on Nanotechnology  at the city of Florianopolis, considering the major agents (IT Companies, Universities, and other Organizations), the incentive policy and the actual innovation context at the region. For this matter, researches study national and international literature to set the necessary theoretical background in order to search history and concept on production arrangements themes. The analysis of local innovation agents in nanotechnology and the projection of their future performance, aggregated to the present analysis of public policy and its nurture mechanisms makes a diagnosis of local reality, established. With these stages of research and actions of benchmarking, we hope to indicate the local potential and point a governance model to the cluster Management that access the characteristics of the Florianópolis technological pole. 


Innovative technologies of participatory management of the smart city


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